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How to cancel Hulu subscription?

As you scroll down on your account, you will see the Cancel Your Subscription option. Click Cancel and continue to cancel your Hulu subscription. Lastly, it might ask you for a reason to cancel before successfully canceling. After every cancellation, the user will have access to their Hulu account till the end of billing period.

How do I pause my Hulu subscription?

If you're not ready to fully cancel Hulu, you can also pause your subscription for up to 12 weeks. To go cancel the service completely, just sign in on Hulu's website, and then click the icon next to your name in the top-right corner. In the drop-down menu, select "Manage Profiles."

How do I know if my Hulu account has been canceled?

To check if your Hulu account has been canceled, your Account page will state the date when your account will cancel. If you're unsure about the timing, take a look at your billing history for more details. If the Account page is prompting you to Renew your Hulu Subscription, this indicates that the account was fully canceled.

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